Honorary Member shall be individual 18 years and older or entities that meet or do not meet membership criteria established in Article 13 (i)
of the professional’s constitution and who in the opinion of the Institute deserves to be recognized for their excellent work in the country by way of supporting the halal industry.
Honorary Member shall not pay the annual membership fee unless they voluntarily chose to
do so to support the Institute.
Honorary Member shall not be bound by all provisions of the Institute’s constitution but
are expected to uphold the values of the Institute on which their affiliation
with the Institute is built.
Access to free training and discount on some of our training
especially the mandatory professional training.
All members except honorary members shall have opportunity to participate in paid services (Jobs) such as auditing of companies after acquiring the mandatory professional certification training.
Qualified member could be appointed as facilitator for training and any other assignment that involves financial benefit.
All members shall be entitle to discount on our entire paid program such as seminars, workshop and conference.
All members shall have access to the halal industry related information local and international such as jobs and services.
Honorary members may attend the annual and special general meetings as observers and participate in the discussion. However, their opinions shall only be treated as advices to the Institute.
And any other relevant benefits and opportunity
Correspondence address: 14 Coates Street, Lawnick Plaza Ebute Metta, Lagos.
Email: halalhacfos2018@gmail.com
Tel:+234 907 455 3751, +60 11-1141 2412
Copyright © 2023 Halal Compliance and Food Safety. All rights reserved.